The battle for significance. How to win it.

Solving real business problems is the reason agencies create. 
Making "things" more significant for people is the value agencies produce.
So by telling stories we make "things" valuable. Thus turning names into legends. Time into history. And products into brands. 
If these stories exaggerate a human truth in a believable yet surprising way they will create impact way beyond what you spend on communication. 
If they are based on a lie brands will falter. When you tell the story focus on „how" your brand delivers its promise. Not on „what" it promises.
Dramatizing the benefit without dramatizing the unique way the brand delivers it is a waste of money. Brands become exchangeable. Their budget drives the category.
If you can’t win the in-fight avoid going there with your storytelling. In order to be believable and surprising we tell stories in certain ways. 
Independently of where and when they are told these narrative structures are constantly evolving. Knowing this shit is the craft of every creative. 
Significance happens when the fascinating merges with the relevant. At the heart of fascination lies conflict. Find it. 
Without conflict stories and personalities are without conviction, surprise and soul. At the heart of relevance lies a true realization of human needs and hopes.
Observe and listen.